Wedding Stories

This is a collection of wedding stories from Universal Life Church ministers who have performed them. Hopefully, you'll find some things to make you laugh and some tips to help you in your own wedding business.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wedding Stories

Last Minute Wedding
By Rev. Erica Nash

Hi Amy-

I just performed a wedding on the beach tonight. It was wonderful. It was a short notice wedding, they called me yesterday lol. They came in from Georgia on vacation and saw my website, decided to get married while they were here, and we pulled it off at 7 pm my time at Paradise Beach in Indian atlantic at sunset. It was beautiful. My best friend came with me and took pictures, and I managed to not mess it up lol. I gave them a packet with copies of credentials, a wedding certificate, and a keepsake of their ceremony. Hopefully they will prosper and be blessed. Hope this finds you well-




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