Wedding Stories

This is a collection of wedding stories from Universal Life Church ministers who have performed them. Hopefully, you'll find some things to make you laugh and some tips to help you in your own wedding business.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Universal Life Church by Rev. Bondrew

Blessings on a Vehicle

By Rev. John P. Bondrew
I am the Chaplain for my Fire Dept. and I thought it would be a good idea, to ask for God's blessings on any new Fire or Ambulance vehicles.

" God, please bless this vehicle, and those who work upon it, to do your work, and help those who are in desperate need. Please help this vehicle to function well, whenever it is needed, and return safely, to respond again at a moments notice. We ask this in your Holy name, Amen.

Rev. John P. Bondrew